I cannot open a trade


Last Update 9 bulan yang lalu

If you are unable to open or modify a trade, usually, you will see an "Off quotes" message appearing. It means that your order request was not fulfilled. 

What can be the reasons?

  • The market is closed. There are no quotes available for the instrument at a specific moment. 
  • You have insufficient funds. A "Not enough money" message will appear. 
  • You are trying to open a trade on an expired or not available instrument (specifically applicable to Brazilian assets). Forward contracts tend to expiry, you need to check the expiry date of the instrument. Also please make sure that you are trading instruments ending with -xx.
  • Current conditions are different from normal market conditions.
  • Low liquidity and high volatility of an instrument.
  • There is a break in connectivity with the platform.
  • Your account is set to Read-Only mode. Please log out and log in again using your Master password. 
  • Others reasons are not excluded.

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