I have open trades, can I withdraw?


Last Update 8 bulan yang lalu

Yes, you can withdraw your available balance if you have open positions. However, you need to take into account several factors while having open trades.

Here are a few points to consider:

  • Margin Requirements: If withdrawing funds causes your account balance to fall below the required margin level, you might not be able to withdraw the full amount you desire without closing some of your open positions.
  • Free Margin: Typically, you can withdraw your free margin, which is the equity in your account minus the margin used for your open positions. The calculation of free margin can vary slightly between platforms.

When you will attempt to make a withdrawal, you will see the available amount that you can actually withdraw.

Disclaimer: If you choose to withdraw while having open trades, it is not recommended to withdraw all available funds, as this could result in a Stop Out. 

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