How do I complete my KYC verification?


Last Update hace 9 meses

For the verification of your account, you need to provide clear color copies (mobile photo or a scan) of the following documents:

  • A valid Proof of Identity: passport, national identity card or driving license (still valid in the next 3 months). The document must include your full name, issue and expiry dates, your date and place of birth.
  • A recent Proof of Address (dated within the last 6 months) in your name: 
    • Bank/card statement or utility bill.
    • Water/Electricity/Gas/Internet/Telephone bill
    • Rental agreement
    • Official letter from a Public Institution in your Country

*Please note that mobile telephone bills are not accepted.

If you are required to provide additional documents, you shall provide them as soon as possible to complete your account verification. 

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